Our Policies
Ullapool Dance ltd
Policy on the Secure Handling, Use, Storage and Retention of Disclosure Information.
In accordance with the Scottish Executive Code of Practice, for registered persons and other recipients of Disclosure Information, we will ensure the following practice.
• Disclosures will only be requested when necessary and relevant to a particular post and the information provided on a disclosure certificate will only be used for recruitment purposes.
• We will ensure that an individual’s consent is given before seeking a disclosure, and will seek their consent before using disclosure information for any purpose other than recruitment.
• Disclosure information will only be shared with those authorised to see it in the course of their duties.
• Where additional disclosure information is provided to our designated signatory and not to the disclosure applicant, our designated signatory will not disclose this information to the applicant, but will inform them of the fact that additional
information has been provided, should this information affect the recruitment decision.
• Disclosure information will be stored in a locked non-portable container, for a maximum of 6 months. Only those authorised to see this information in the course of their duties will have access to this container.
• Disclosure information will be destroyed by shredding.
• No image or photocopy of the disclosure information will be made, however the following details may be retained:
Date of issue of disclosure
Name of subject
Disclosure type
Position for which disclosure was requested
Unique reference number of disclosure
Recruitment decision taken
• If the subject of the Disclosure check is found to be on the ‘Disqualified from Working with Children List’ we will notify the Police that an attempt has been made to acquire work with children.
We will ensure that all staff with access to disclosure information are aware of this policy and have received relevant training and support.
• We will make a copy of this policy available to any applicant for a post (paid or voluntary) with us that requires a disclosure.
Policy on Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
We will treat any applicant for any position (paid or voluntary) within our organisation fairly and not discriminate unfairly against the subject of a disclosure on the basis of conviction or other information revealed.
We will request a Standard or Enhanced disclosure only where it is necessary and relevant to the position sought.
Where a position requires a disclosure we will make this clear on the application form, job advert and any other information provided about the post.
At interview we will ensure that open and measured discussions can take place on the subject of offences.
Failure to reveal information at interview, that is directly relevant to the position sought, could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment.
At interview or when receiving a disclosure which shows a conviction or which contains intelligence of significance to working with children and families, we will use our professional judgement and take into consideration
• Whether the conviction/intelligence is relevant to the position being offered.
• The seriousness of the offence revealed.
• The length of time since the offence took place.
• Whether the applicant has a pattern of offending behaviour.
• Whether the applicant’s circumstances have changed since offending took place.
We will ensure that all our members (staff or volunteers) involved in the recruitment process are aware of this policy and have received relevant training and support.
Any applicant for any post that requires a disclosure may receive a copy of this policy and the Code of Practice.
We believe that every child regardless of age has at all times and in all situations a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in a child being physically or psychologically damaged. In our group, if we have suspicions about a child’s physical, sexual or emotional well being, we will take action.
All volunteers or staff are encouraged to share concerns with the group’s Child Protection Lead. If the situation is clearly an urgent case, the child is too frightened to go home or we have very serious doubts about the child’s safety, we will contact Social Work Services or Police immediately.
If our concerns are more general about a child’s welfare, then we will discuss these with our group’s Child Protection Lead, who would then make a referral to an appropriate professional for assessment of the child’s needs. It is important that all volunteers and staff communicate concerns accurately. To this end, volunteers and staff will follow the procedures below;
Upon the receipt of any information from a child or suspicions, it is necessary to make an accurate and detailed written record of what they have seen, heard or know, at the time the event occurs;
Share their concerns with the Child Protection Lead for the group and agree what action to take;
Avoid asking any more questions than are necessary to clarify whether there is a concern. Always REFER to statutory services to undertake in depth INVESTIGATION of any suspicions or allegations about abuse.
If we have concerns we must act – it may be the final piece of the jigsaw that is needed to protect that child – or we may prevent further children from being hurt.
Both the local Area Social Work Office and Police Office telephone numbers are to be found in the telephone directory. For ease of reference note them below
Area Social Work Office: 01349 868567
Local Police Station: 0845 600 5703
Out of hours Social Work Emergency Service: 0845 601 4813
General Child Protection Enquiries: 01463 703488
Health & Safety Policy
Summary This document recommends a Health and Safety Policy Statement for Ullapool Dance Ltd. It also outlines how Ullapool Dance Ltd will manage health and safety throughout the organisation and indicates the various levels of responsibility. |
1.1 | There is a legal requirement on Ullapool Dance Ltd (UDL) to manage health and safety and for UDL Directors to receive reports on health and safety matters. The Board is also required to make a Health and Safety Statement. |
1.2 | Further health and safety policies such as risk assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH) and first aid will be issued to staff. The Highland Council policies on such matters are deemed to be enforced until such times as they can be amended for Ullapool Dance Ltd. |
2. | Health and Safety Statement |
2.1 | This Health and Safety Statement follows guidelines issues by the Health and Safety Executive in “Successful Health and Safety Management” – HSE Publication HSG65. |
3. | Health and Safety Responsibilities |
3.1 |
The Health and Safety Statement makes it clear that the process of managing health and safety is led by the Board and the Chief Executive. The process will be “driven” by an annual report to the Board that reviews health and safety performance in the previous year and makes recommendations for action and changes to policy and procedures if required. Emergency action may be taken out with this cycle.
3.2 | Ensuring that health and safety policy is implemented and monitored is the specific role of Heads of Service.
3.3 | All line managers have a responsibility to ensure that health and safety instructions are implemented and to create a health and safety aware culture in their areas of responsibility.
3.4 | Day to day health and safety is the responsibility of all staff, but Responsible Premises Officers and those managing buildings have additional roles. |
Ullapool Dance Ltd.
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Ullapool Dance Ltd is committed to the well-being and safety of staff, volunteers and all participants in its events and classes.
Ullapool Dance Ltd is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy workplace and environment. In addition to meeting its statutory requirements, Ullapool Dance Ltd will strive to continually improve on standards of health, safety and wellbeing.
Ullapool Dance Ltd’s business objectives are to maximise opportunities for participation in dance. The organisation has a growing number of participants, accessing activities across a very large geographical area, and in many individual sites and types of buildings. Ullapool Dance Ltd is committed to ensuring an environment that is as safe and secure as is reasonably practical and recognises that risk management is a key activity for the organisation.
To ensure a safe and secure environment for participants and staff, Ullapool Dance Ltd commits to seeking continual improvement in health and safety performance.
Implementation of Health and Safety Policy
The Ullapool Dance Ltd Board will receive reports that inform the Board on how the organisation has perford in terms of health and safety and that enables the Board to determine specific actions to improve performance, and to review health and safety policy when required.
The Chief Executive, so far as is reasonably practical, is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all other subsequent legislation.
The senior manager responsible for formulating and implementing policy will act as Ullapool Dance Ltd’s competent person in health and safety as required by legislation.
Heads of Service are responsible for:
Ensuring that appropriate, valid risk assessments are available, and regularly reviewed, for activities conducted by the Service
Ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and the implementation of this policy and any procedures that derive from it.
Ensuring that all staff are competent to carry out any activities as part of their duties and responsibilities
Ensuring that new employees receive a health and safety induction which must include all precautions and procedures applicable to the job activity
Ensuring that health safety is regularly discussed at all team meetings
Managers are responsible for the implementation of health and safety policy in their areas of operation. They are required to implement instructions relating to health and safety and to take steps to develop a health and safety aware culture in their team.
Each employee is responsible for their own acts or omissions, and a legal obligation to cooperate to ensure a healthy and safe working environment. Each employee must:
Avoid undertaking unnecessary risk
Set a good example to others, especially young or inexperienced workers
Work in accordance with any health and safety instruction or training that has been given
Bring to the attention of a responsible person any health and safety issue they may have
Familiarise themselves with this policy and any local arrangements
Employees should raise health and safety concerns with their supervisor in the first instance. If the matter is not resolved it should be raised with their manager. At any stage an employee may ask their Trade Union’s health and safety representative to act on their behalf.
Communication and Training
Health and safety training is an important factor in reducing accidents and in preventing ill-health.
Health and safety will form part of the induction process of all new employees
Health and safety training needs will be jointly identified as part of the employee appraisal process
This will be supported by providing the necessary resources and organisation to carry out such training
Risk Assessment and Accident Reporting
Undertaking appropriate risk assessments is a requirement of this policy and it is the responsibility of Heads of Service to ensure that these are undertaken and the results implemented.
In addition to legal reporting requirements, the following accidents and incidents will be analysed by Ullapool Dance Ltd management and the Health and Safety Staff Group with a view to determining and if possible eliminating the cause: major injury/ dangerous occurrence; lost time accidents of three days or more; work related ill health and disease.
Every accident and incident will be investigated by the injured person’s supervisor or line manager, or in the case of a member of the public, by an appropriate management representative. The completed report should be submitted to the manager with a copy to the Head of Performance.
Additional Actions
Further guidance on specific issues will be issued as appropriate, some of which will be in the form of instructions for implementation. These, along with this policy, will be available on Ullapool Dance Ltd’s web-site.
Ullapool Dance Ltd Parental Advice (link from home page)
Parents/Guardians/Participants understand that dance is as active an engagement as any sport, and whilst every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen.
Participants and those under 18 will be supervised during class time only and as such are responsible for their own safety while transferring between venues.
Parents/Guardians/Participants should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class.